If you are in a relationship right now and like many others cannot turn off Love Island, I will bet there has been a time where you have looked at your other half and thought ‘are they my type on paper’?

What does that even mean? And more importantly, if someone isn’t ‘your type on paper’ does that even matter?

Here is why we think it’s not a problem if you don’t have the same common interests, they’re not exactly ‘my type on paper’ and why these things do not guarantee success in a relationship.


Conversations are likely to get boring if you are a mirror of each other 

Of course, some common interests attract people and provide something to talk about in the first instance.

But if you share the same flaws and opinions, it is likely that the conversation is going to fizzle out pretty quickly.


You’re unlikely to test yourself with your clone

If you are in a relationship with someone who has the same limits as you then neither party are likely to ever get out of their comfort zone.

This can be dangerous for personal development, but also deadly boring as you get into a lifeless routine of doing the same things.


You might even feel like you’re dating yourself 

Ok, this may sound like a dream to the narcissists out there (*uhm Kanye West). But most of you will find this boring… and a little weird.


You may stifle your creativity

Your creativity and uniqueness is what makes you, YOU.

If all of the above begin to apply, it is likely that creativity will begin to flounder.



All in all, it is worth paying less attention to what you think is ‘your type on paper’ and just look for someone who you have a genuine connection with.


You can start that search today with NOW Dating.



Image: hollywilloughby instagram