Let’s face it, online dating is everywhere. Developing any type of software you can use Sydney Software Developers.

There are new apps coming out every day. Ask around and you will find that (at least) one of your friends have dabbled in the world of dating apps. In fact, the Independent reports that millennials are now spending an impressive 10 hours a week on dating apps.

Slowly but surely,  society is looking for answers to love in online dating. It has only been a couple of years since Tinder broke the taboo, but there are still some things you need to know.  You have probably heard lots of horror stories – it can be a dark and murky world so we will dispel the myths of ‘online dating’. This post will equip you with the secrets and tips you need to know to be an online dating star. 

Everyone Is  Dating Online

Downloading an app is the first step, succeeding in finding the perfect date is another. 

With the taboo of dating online (and apps) surely broken, the myth that you are a social hermit, or are really desperate to use online dating is a complete lie. The rise of free and easily accessible platforms for online dating means it is pretty commonplace now. Everyone is dating online! Everyone wants love, and who is not willing to have a crack by just downloading an app. 

Believe us, the guy or girl you’re probably crushing on has been active online within the last year. It really is just the norm. Iif you haven’t give it a go, get yourself on the digital map by downloading a dating app (you can download our one here). Make sure to read the next sections for things you need to know if you want to be successful. 


Dating online? Know What You Want

Understanding what you are looking for will save yourself (as well as others) a lot of time and effort.

This is a mega important point.  People who have been on dating apps for a while know the game and the rules. If this is your first time, make a checklist of what you want, and be upfront about it. False expectations are the worst, so be honest, and be you, there will 100% be something and someone out there for you.

That being said, you probably won’t find them straight away, and might even have to do a bit of searching (and deleting). Balance knowing what you want by also not being afraid to give people a chance – online dating nowadays is a numbers game. Every awkward date will bring you one step closer to your ‘tinderella’.


Keep Your Dating Profile Humble And Real

Apparently, those of us looking for love online are less likely to trust a person with a flashy profile. 

Scientists have shown that people gravitate towards profiles that are positive, but not too over the top. It is important that you give people an indicator of who you are, you can start off by saying what you do. The best way to attract a match is by putting yourself out there (and not in the way you are thinking). Tell the world what excites you, do you paint, what are your hobbies, who inspires you?

Make sure that your social media profiles are easily accessible, and same with potential matches – nobody likes a CATFISH!


Meet In Person

Yes. Surprising as it sounds, you have to actually meet the person.

The whole point of dating apps (and online dating) is to meet new people. It’s easy enough to chat online and text, you might even make it into a convenient habit, but the real value comes from actually meeting these people in real life. Obviously, don’t go and meet strangers of the online world without doing your research on them. Google their name and make sure they are who they say they are. 

Who knows, the one could be waiting for you on the other side of that text – why let your chance go? When you find someone you click with, move that conversation away from the screen and into real life. You could end up on a magical date. If you have made it past the first date, you will need to read our guide on how to survive the second date.  


Live in the moment. Now.