So, you have gone on your first date…what next ?

Well, it’s the second date obviously.  The first date is crucial, that’s for sure.

But it is that second date that will give you a clearer sense of the potential for love.

The second date can be daunting because this is when shit gets real.

If you can hang on in there and survive then your one major step closer to finding true love.

Here is what you can do to give you the best chance of surviving date two:

will you survive the second date ? White text on pink background

Propose a low-pressure date

Fancy seats and snazzy cocktails ?

You probably pulled out all the stops for date one.

Too take the pressure off, dress down and take it easy for your second date.   

Do something different and low-key. Extra points if you make it fun and memorable.

We would recommend checking out some of your city’s local winter markets.

Nothing better than a cute hot-chocolate with an amazing view.

Plus it gives you some time to talk and really get to know each other, no fancy gimmicks.

Be present. Be yourself

We all want to make a strong impression on the first date.

The pressure got you feeling nervous. You probably spent up lots of energy trying to be perfect.

You can drop this exhausting performance. Just be yourself.

Don’t try and figure out what you are going to say next. Be present and let the conversation flow.  

Ultimately we want to date someone who loves us for our true selves, all sides.

Don’t stress, you have made it this far so they must see something in you.

Give a gift

Who doesn’t secretly love a gift ?

This is not a necessary, but it’s definitely something nice. 

Skip the flowers and maybe get a book or notepad.

Be sure to pick something small and personal. Extra win if it is cute.

Don’t act like a couple

A second date a good time to talk about what you are really looking for.

A second date is not signal that you are a committed couple…well not yet.  

Do not act like it is. It will make things awkward.

See this as a chance of to get to know each other in-depth. 

What happens here can potentially determine how your relationship will turn out.

So remember your table manners. Don’t get unnecessarily touchy-feely.

Just keep it chill and authentic.

Ask those questions !

It is important to ask questions that really matter to you.

Don’t be afraid to dig deep.

If there were any doubts or questions from the first date, now is the opportunity to clarify.

Date two is a chance to get to know someone a lot better…ask them about politics, did they vote Brexit ?  

Obviously, have in mind this is not an interrogation … and it goes both ways !

Be prepared to answer any questions you ask.


Live in the moment. Now.

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